If you are a leader, an entrepreneur or a creative, then you are constantly faced with decisions that you must make.
A decision making matrix gives you a quick way to make both large and small decisions. Here are the steps you need to take to create a decision making matrix and how to use it to make decisions.
The first step and the basis for having a decision making matrix is to review and prioritize the eight life goal areas. (You can find these life goal areas in my FREE Success Action Planner by clicking here.)
After prioritizing your life goal areas, the second step is to look at the decision or choice that is before you and do a cost benefit analysis. Understand what this choice will cost you and how it will benefit you. Is it going to cost you time? Money? Your relationships? Do those results align with the priorities that you set for yourself? You have your answer.
To make this process quick and easy, download my decision making matrix worksheet by clicking here.
Your priorities will change over time and that is fine. Periodically update your matrix to reflect your current priorities and that will keep you on the right path in your decision making.
Remember, knowledge without action is useless, so let’s be about action.